Sunday, August 10, 2008


Today morning, i stirred lazily out of my bed wondering whether to attend my c++ class or gloss. And yes.. i decided to go with gloss. I went there by 10. Already a decent number had gathered by at the chith vihar seminar hall. I went downstairs to see if more people were coming. People did turn up in huge numbers. Then the hall was totally full. The session on php and MySQL was started by Dwarakanath, our C.A. for Sun Microsystems. Harish, Sandhya, Vikas, Sanjeev,Sudha and Komal were present there. But not for the session.. he he. We were all having a seperate session planning out the script for the drama we have planned for the carpedium. But even then we didnt even turn up with one single idea;-) . All that we did was chit chatting and our usual gossiping. After that we went to the canteen where we were all thrown a free treat:-) Then we all went for the matinee movie "chak de india" that was screened at the nirmaan vihar auditorium. We didnt get any seats and so were forced to occupy the stairs! Not a bad deal after all.. all my junior friends were near by only. So we enjoyed a lot. After the movie , we all went to the temple and then to the canteen. So it all started out with a session of gloss and ended up with only fun and no gloss at all... lolz:-)

1 comment:

avipsha das said...

goshhh... i know d rest of d part... bhaaago!!!!!.... gud thing u keep ur diary short n brief senior!!!

regards from this humble junior friend....

heee haw!!!....